Saturday, February 26, 2011

Prayer of Absolution to the Father

O Master, Lord God the Pantocrator, healer of our souls, our bodies, and spirits, you are he who said unto our father Peter through the mouth of your only-begotten son, “You are Peter, upon this rock I will build y church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it, and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens. That which you will bind upon the earth shall be bound in the heavens, and that which you will loose upon the earth shall be loosed in the heavens. Therefore, O Lord, let your servants, my fathers, my brethren and my own weakness, be absolved by my mouth, through your holy spirit, O you, good and Philanthropic one. O God, who takes away the sin of the world, hasten, to accept the repentance of your servants for a light of understanding and forgiveness of sins. For you are a compassionate and merciful God; you are patient; your mercy is great and true. If we have sinned against you either by word or by deeds, pardon and forgive us, as a good and Philanthropic one. O God, absolve us and all your people form every sin, form every curse, form every denial, form every false oath, and from every encounter with the heretics and the heathens. O our Lord, grant us a reason, power and understanding to flee from any evil deed of the adversary, and grant us to do what is pleasing unto you at all times. Inscribe our names with all the choir of your saints in the kingdom of the heavens, in Christ Jesus, our Lord, through whom the glory, the honour, the dominion, and the adoration are due unto you, with him and the holy spirit, the Life- giver who is of one essence with you, now and at all times and unto the age of all ages. Amen.

Remember, O Lord, my own weakness and forgive my many sins, and where transgression has abounded, let your grace be multiplied in abundance. Because of my own sins and the abomination of my heart, deprive not your people of the grace of your holy spirit. Absolve us and absolve all your people form every sin, from every curse, from every denial, from every false oath, and from every encounter with the heretics and the heathens. O our Lord, grant us a reason, power and understanding to flee from any evil deed of the adversary, and grant us to do what is pleasing unto your at all times. Inscribe our names with all the choir of your saints in the kingdom of the heavens, in Christ Jesus, our Lord, through whom the glory, the honour, the dominion, and the adoration are due unto you, with him and the holy spirit, the life-giver who is of one essence with you, now and at all times and unto the age of all ages. Amen